Creating a Money Healing & Abundance Ritual (optional)
Setting Up a Money Healing & Abundance Ritual
Money rituals are not for the purpose of worshiping money. They are simply to provide a peaceful space to tap into your intuition and train your brain to work through any discomfort around money. These rituals also help you stay focused on your B.E.I.G. vision that we talked about in the last module.
Here's the ritual that I would like you to set up before each call or money activity throughout this course:
First, a choose scent that you enjoy and dedicate it to your money practice. For example, dedicate a NEW candle, lotion, essential oil to your practice, and use it as part of your money ritual.
(I personally use Essential oil blends that I've created for my Money Mantra Cards: Investment, Abundance, + Manifest).
If you are sensitive to smell, the alternative can be a dedicated stone or crystal held in your hand, and repeating a Money Mantra that you feel called to as your ritual.
Why do I recommend scent as part my money experience? Because there is a science to the smells!
Neurologists have identified a mechanism that allows the brain to recreate vivid sensory experiences from memory. The brain regions that juggle smells, memories, and emotions are very much intertwined.
In fact, the way that your sense of smell is wired to your brain is unique among your senses!
Scents are the only sensations that travel such a direct path to the emotional and memory centers of the brain. This results in an intimate connection between emotions, memories, and scents.
This means that when someone smells something that is connected to a meaningful or impactful memory, there will typically be an emotional response to that scent before recalling the actual memory!
When you intentionally use a scent to invoke an emotion, you're actually connecting to the memory center in your brain. So by pairing essential oils with intentional emotional directive, you can both unlearn negative emotions and enforce positive ones.
So for best results, choose a scent or stone that works for you!
(This is, or course, optional but highly recommended!)