Setting Intentions to Serve Your Goals

Before we begin, take a few moments to write out some goals, and set your intentions for this course.

Without clear intentions it's easy to lose your focus. That's why I recommend getting clear on your intentions before beginning this course.

Now, having specific goals isn't necessary to get started, but it helps you know what you want to get out of this course. It also helps you know when you have received what you need, and where you might need more support.

So grab a pen and paper and let's set some goals and intentions for this course.

Here are a few examples of goals and intentions to get you started:

  • I want to build a successful relationship between me and my bookkeeper (and/or accountant). What would that look like for me? (intention)
  • I want to be able to review my reports, understand them, and make confident business decisions based on what I read. (intention)
  • I want to complete this course feeling more confident about leading finance conversations and understanding my role as the CEO (intention)
  • I want to create clear expectations and cultivate a valuable working relationship with my bookkeeper or CPA (intention)
  • I can now predict my cash balances 6-12 months in advance (goal)
  • I want to double my income by this time next year using the tools in this course (goal)
  • I will get ahead of my taxes this year (goal)
  • I want to know if and when I can start expanding my team (goal)

When you get clear on your intentions, change doesn't happen overnight, but over time.

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